
Our Faith Relies on the Crystal Skulls

What are these strange artifacts, we all know they are skulls, but why are they made out of crystal material? That my fellow readers is a mystery. Even I never heard such thing after when I curiosly checked about extra terrestrials. Crystal skulls are not ordinary skulls, these artifacts are well preserved and have energy produced within them!

Many crystal skulls are seem to be pre-Columbian, relating to Aztec or Mayan civilizations. During either civilizations, they said the crystal skulls came from outer space, from alien to be exact, and to have special powers unknown to man. People who believe that the skulls have powers are telling others is that it's the center of energy to promote happiness and extend a person's lifetime. There are no claims of evidence of this unusual phenomena associated with the skulls yet.

Beyond that, there are thirteen crystal skulls scattered across the world. One of them is this picture shown right here:

A man named Edgar Cayce displayed it in the Britsh museum. Edgar said it was assured to be real because of its history carvings. We can't be sure if it's the real deal, one of the museum administrators said that it wasn't pre-dated if it was made in this century or back then.

This last skull is the Paris crystal skull it's currently in Trocadero museum in Paris, France. As you can see there is a slight cut on the top of the skull's head to put a cross in it. It's pretty much a fake to me with the lack of info I found about this skull, still there are tiny fragments within, which were images preserved in too.
The legend says that all thirteen skulls shoul be put all together to prevent a major catastrophe somewhere in this time period. Right now in the news, there has been hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, and tornados in this upcoming of 2012. Who knows, we have four years left and with only 7 out of the 13 skulls are found, will this be the end?

This skull is one of the most fascinating artifact known as the Mitchell-Hedges Skull because of to reasons. The first reason its shape resembles of a real looking skull and has a removable jaw bone with realistic teeth. Second reason, it's very difficult to match this sculpture to make a replica in this generation of sculping.