
The Research Project

You all know Jeffery Turbitt, well his given us this project about knowing stuff about the world and what's going on too. All we have to do is find out what's interesting during our research in "finding out stuff". In my research, one thing I liked is Shakespeare's literature. Most people think Shakespeare didn't do all his work by himself, is it true? The answer is yes, there was some cinvincing evidence about him. Evidence #1, Shakespeare's personality is not known, so it's difficult to pin point the way he feels about his work and personal experience. Evidence #2, Shakespeare never put a time passage of almost every thing he wrights. Some poems and literature have dates and time because of some people working with Shakespeare and making him having all the credit. Finally evidence #3, there were some missing letters written to him and his diary does not describe him that much. However, there is one man unknown with Shakespeare's work. I can't be sure if this is one kind of proof because there was many people associated with his work.

Shakespeare’s sonnets require time and effort to appreciate. Understanding the numerous meanings of the lines, the crisply made references, the brilliance of the images, and the complexity of the sound, rhythm and structure of the verse demands attention and experience. The rewards are plentiful as few writers have ever approached the richness of Shakespeare’s prose and poetry. I hope my research interests you readers, especially you Mr. Turbitt!


Jeff said...

"his given"

Remember to check your writing over. This is for public viewing. Do what we've worked on all year. Make it clear, interesting, and illustrate your point with a picture or two.

Lira said...

oh i was struggling with this question.

SML =) fly high =) said...

It is interesting to know about Shakespear but it was the most hardest thing to us....

Zero Hero said...

Shakespeare is great but, if you put pictures of who he is and what he does, thenpeople who might or not know him would know him better.

Saipan Writer said...

Okay. I know you're students, but the grammar mistakes are starting to pile up seriously here (and on other student blogs).

Why does that matter? I find it annoying. I wonder if you can be trusted to give accurate information when you aren't using the right grammar, punctuation, or vocabulary/spelling.

And the worst is that I can't quite understand what you're trying to say. And that's a shame because I think you might have something interesting here.

So in the interest of better writing, I'll offer these editorial suggestions:
"his given" should be "he's given".

Use periods: ...himself. Is it true?

Check spelling: ...convincing.

Use paragraph breaks at Evidence #1, Evidence #2, etc.

Spelling:...wrights? hahaha! should be writes.

Use better phrasing: poems & literature--try poems and plays, or just use literature (which includes poems).

Read your sentences through for clarity: ...dates and time...because of...and making him ... This whole sentence is kind of messy. phrasing problems: dates and times (or just dates). What are you trying to say? some people who worked with Shakespeare added dates? Or they are known to have lived at a certain time and died by a certain date so reference to them helps date the work? Don't forget parallel construction: "because of...and making him have all the credit?" Should be "because of this and that," or "because people doing this and making that," etc.

Okay, I give up. What is "there were some missing letters written to him and his diary does not describe him that much" mean?

Subject & verb agreement: ...there WERE many people...

enough for now.

Good luck.

Hoseki M. said...

I did a post on this too.
You need to revise it a little but other than that it's ok.

Jeff said...

He's aware of these things. We've spent a lot of time on these problems, and he's previously demonstrated his ability to do it correctly. Why it isn't translating, I don't know.